A GIMP plugin for the Paint Shop Pro file format

Thomas Linder Austria

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. News and Change Log
3. Features
4. Download
Latest stable release:
Latest development release:
Recent patches:
5. Supported Platforms
6. Project Status
Current Status
Current Activities
What Next?
7. Known Bugs and Caveats
8. FAQ
Q 1: What types of images can be read?
Q 2: What sort of images can be exported from The GIMP?
Q 3: Why can't I read LZ77 compressed images?
Q 4: Are there features which will definitely not be supported?
Q 5: Which blend modes will, which ones will not be available?
Q 6: Which PSP features should not be used when full compatibility is wanted?
Q 7: Which GIMP features should be avoided when full compatibility is wanted?