Documentation now docbook/book.
Autoconf cleanups for release.
Documentation now up to date.
autoconf/automake now working.
Started with autoconf/automake support.
Resolution and unit import tested.
Active layer is set.
Switch off mask implementation.
Layer linking supported as far as possible.
Resolution and unit import implemented (untested feature).
Cleanup in case of load failure added.
Floating Selection support added, although they are imported as normal layers in The GIMP.
Does not crash anymore if a broken or invalid file is loaded. Data is not cleaned up though.
Loading selections does not cause a Segmentation Fault in The Gimp anymore.
Works with The GIMP 1.0 again...
The layer offset problem is now "downsized" to a layer mask bug.
Extra channel (PSP Alpha channel) support working.
Temporary channels (for selections) are deleted now.
Selection import working
src/gimp/Makefile: Clean up of dependencies.
PSP Dodge mode now works with the latest GIMP cvs snapshot.
Changes in the save_dialog code of the plugin to work around the strange behaviour in The GIMP versions 1.1.x on cancelled saves.
8 bit indexed images are now supported.
Support of PSP Dodge mode (translated to GIMP Divide Mode) theoretically possible. Note that this is translated to Divide mode which looks much different, but is the way GIMP says. A similar problem arises with Burn mode translation to Multiply.
Save dialog changed to reflect missing save feature.
Layer user masks added.
Fixed a bug with images higher than tile_height.
After some more bugfixes, the plugin can now handle uncompressed and RLE PSP Images with layers and transparency masks containing pictures without color-maps. Due to a limited set of compatibility of layer blend modes, not all of them can be translated correctly and are therefore disabled and have a note added to the layer name in GIMP.
Compile and test for GIMP 1.1.2 without major problems - only the save dialog is broken (which does not matter).
uncompressed 24 bpp truecolor images are now supported.
Late into the night I got the plugin (and the library) working to read image contents.
First version of the plugin. It creates empty layers according to the input file.
Import from plain source. The plugin only consists of the GIMP interface and dialogs.