Links to other sites
Deinonych's Lemmings Page!.
A Lemmings Game Page
by Carter Westlund.
3D Lemmings Demo Page by Christer Holmström
from Sweden.
Matt's Lemmings page
contains a list of demos for Intel PC Systems (which might be more up
to date than mine).
I had no fast idea where to place this, so I put it here:
The Sony-Online Lemmings 2 page.
The Lemmings page of the
Viserba Computer Service.
A Lemmings/Warcraft
page by Jason Altobelli

- The alt.lemmings newsgroup
- Ask for anything you need to know and share your experiences
with us. This is a selection of other newsgroups carrying Lemmings
info, requests, etc. from time to time:,,,,
- The #lemmings IRC Channel.
- I haven't used IRC for a lot of months, but just
email me to fix a date...

Games Domain
Perhaps the best games information site.
Happy Puppy Games Onramp
with the
Games on the Internet
Game information and demos for PC games with DOS/Windows.
Video On Line (italian),
Galaxy Game Exchange
romulus game hints
The TopGameTopSite
by Protoman
Up to now only links to a handfull of game sites. Colorful...
Nuke Gamepage [Helen Lee]
- has a Lemmings Paintball review somewhere.
PC Games World Charts
You can
vote for your favourite.

Register your Lemmings
enhanced page now. Send your URL, Page Title, Full Name and email.

© 1995 - 1997 by Thomas Linder,
Student of Computer Science at:
University of Technology, Vienna,
Solar System,
Milky Way,