Oh No! It's the Lemmings Games Web Page
"Wir müssen nichts so machen wie wir's kennen nur weil wir's kennen wie wir's kennen"
The maintainer of these pages is not in any way related to
Sony Interactive Studios,
DMA Design or any other company involved in development, marketing,
distribution, whatever of lemmings.
- September 2, 1999
- These pages didn't change for 2 years. But now is the time to
add something: Go to Psygnosis's Lemmings
Page, download the one-level demo of Lemmings
Revolution and fill out the questionnaire once you played
it. More news may follow once I tried it myself.
- September 2, 1999
- If you have access to a Linux box (any Unix with X11 could
work...) you may want to check out Pingus. It is
still in development and not too playable yet but that should not
keep you from giving it a try.
Nuclear weapons suck!
- Oh, and the links to demos and help files should be checked...
- A list of games for those who can't wait for new Lemmings
games to arrive. As a start I'd recommend Pushover.
I am stuck on level 77 so if there's someone who knows how to
get past it?!? Newest info: I got beyond 77 by taking a look at
the code scheme.
- Didnīt do any Java stuff for centuries now ;-)
![______Warning: Roadworker______](Pictures/Rulers/WarningRoadworker.gif)
If you are able to provide/collect information (especially on the
topics below) please
mail them to me.
Any new idea as well as all kind of other (somehow) Lemming stuff are
welcome too.
- Technical help especially for systems other than PC.
- The Lemmings FAQ needs a
![______a lot of Lemmings______](Pictures/Rulers/Lemmings.gif)
© 1995 - 1997 by Thomas Linder,
Student of Computer Science at:
University of Technology, Vienna,
Solar System,
Milky Way,